Paediatric urology: Refluxing ectopic (Vaginal) ureter
This is the case of Bilateral Vesicoureteric Reflux in a female child who also had an ectopic right ureter
This 18 month old female child presented with continuous dribbling of urine and recurrent episodes of febrile urinary tracts infections. The CT scan clinched the diagnosis of ectopic opening of right ureter into vagina and the Direct Radionuclide Cystogram confirmed the reflux. The unusual finding in this case was an ectopically ending ureter into the vagina and still refluxing into the kidney on voiding
A bilateral simultaneous re implantation of ureters cured the patient of incontinence and recurrent urinary infections.
The follow up Radionuclide (DTPA) scan revealed bilateral normally functioning kidneys and good drainage.